Our Mission

Surgical and Orthopaedic Innovation for All

Our mission is to improve the availability of essential trauma and orthopaedic surgery around the globe by increasing access to high-quality education and designing innovative and affordable medical devices.


  • Education.

    Provide educational content related to trauma and orthopaedic surgery, specifically applicable in the context of limited resources and humanitarian crises, and in different languages and dialects to improve its availability for providers around the world.

  • Innovation.

    Develop innovations in surgical instruments and implants (devices) and processes and protocols (systems) that will improve the availability and affordability of trauma and orthopaedic surgery for the poor and vulnerable.

  • Collaboration.

    Sponsor, support, and/or provide technical advice and guidance for research projects that investigate barriers to care and health inequities, specifically in the field of global orthopaedics and/or global surgery.

Make a donation.

If you’d like to contribute to our mission, please consider making a donation. We are a formally registered non-profit and 100% of donation proceeds are applied to furthering SONA’s projects and alliances in low-resource settings.

Email us at info@sonaglobal.org for more information.
